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Add widgets above the header of blogger

Add gadgets/widgets in blogger header
Often, default blogger templates do not give permission to add widget just above the header file. You can have questions why I am say this and why it is important to blogger ? In fact, bloggers often do blogging for making money, that is why s/he may be using either CPC accounts like adsense, infolinks, chitika etc or affiliate networks like,, It means making money by blogging can be the one most priority of bloggers; and a blogger who uses blogger for blogging, s/he has to apply various technique to increase money. Usually, bloggers use adsense for making money, that is why, they may want to put adsense ads just above the header of the blog and site. If s/he wants to add any ads or any documents or file just above the header of blogger blog, s/he must enable widget section of header. Now I am giving you step by step process of header gadget enabling process in blogger template.

How to add gadget/widget just above the header of blogger ?

Only one widget in header
add more widget in header pic
Can be added another widget

Step 01: After logging in into the blogger dashboard, click on template>>edit html.
Step 02: Now Just find header section of your template. Search for
<b:section class='header header-left' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
Step 03: Then, just change the value of maxwidgets='1' into as your wish like 2 or more. And also make 'yes' the value of showaddelement.
one widgets in header
Before changing elements
add more widgets in blogger header
After changing elements
Step 04: Now save the template.

This is it. Now you can add new gadgets just above the header.
Add widgets above the header of blogger Add widgets above the header of blogger Reviewed by Ariyal on December 29, 2015 Rating: 5

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